About me


I am an experimental physicist in the group of Michel Devoret at Yale University. I work on Quantum Error Correction (QEC) experiments using superconducting circuits. I am currently in my final year of PhD.

I earned my Bachelors and Masters in Physics at the University of Mumbai, Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences. I did my masters thesis in Tobias Kippenberg’s group at EPFL in microwave circuit optomechanics. After college I worked at RIKEN, under Prof. Franco Nori studying topological phase transitions in open quantum systems.

In my PhD., I designed and implemented multimode bosonic codes. I developed new hardware for exploring these codes as well as control and tomographic techniques for these complicated systems. I have also worked on erasure codes, in order to reduce the hardware overhead required for surface codes. I’m interested in scaling QEC codes in a hardware efficient way, in terms of the underlying physical hardware and also the outer layer codes.